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If you have the appropriate role and permissions, you can remove a contact from a facility. If you allow the contact to retain access to eICS, they will still be able to log in, view information about active incidents, and view or change their contact information. No other features will be available to that individual.

Because contacts are not deleted from the system, you can assign them to another facility or re-instate their association with a facility. If you want to change the contact's access to eICS, refer to Set or Change User Account Status.


  • You cannot completely delete a contact from the system. Even if the contact does not have access to eICS and is not associated with any facilities or domain, an administrator can still locate the record by performing a search.
  • You can quickly remove a contact from the facility or domain you are currently viewing by clicking the Remove from (facility/domain name) button in the contact's General Info / Email / Phone drawer.

To remove a contact from a facility

  1. Point to Planning and click Contacts. The Contacts for (facility/domain) page opens.

  2. In the Contacts for list, select the domain or facility.

  3. On the left, locate and select the contact. The contact's details appear on the right.

  4. Click Account Information/Log in.

  5. Locate the facility from which you want to remove the contact.

  6. Next to that facility, click remove. A window opens asking you to confirm the action.

  7. Click Yes.

  8. Click Save.