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Home > EMResource > Guide - Setup Resource Groups > Create Resource Groups


Resource groups consist of resources that belong to one or more regions and share one or more characteristics. Resource groups are created to serve as the data source when creating dashboard gadgets, and in this way, they allow you to generate a snapshot of information related to specific resources.

Static and Dynamic Resource Groups

Resource groups are static or dynamic, which determines how the groups are structured and updated. Static resource groups consist of specific resources that do not change unless you edit the resource group. The resources in dynamic resource groups can vary depending on the region you log in to, and as such, are identified by the standard resource type or resource type. Also, dynamic resource groups are automatically updated when resources are added or removed from the selected resource type, regions, states, and/or counties. For more information, please see the article About Resource Groups.

Tab Selections

When creating resource groups, your selections on a tab are inclusive and selections on different tabs are exclusive. In other words, on a single tab, your selections are combined. Selecting two regions will include all resources or resource types from both regions. However, between tabs your selections reduce the available options or amount of data. So, in the given example where two regions are selected, your selection on the Resources or Resource Types tab will further limit the resource group. 

As you progress through the options and selections on each tab, you decide which resources are included. At any time, you can click Preview to see a list of the resources currently selected in the group. In this wizard-like progress between tabs, clicking either Next or the name of a tab automatically saves your selections. Keep in mind, changes to your selections on prior tabs may affect your selections and options on subsequent tabs. After making any changes, it is recommended that you proceed through all subsequent tabs to review your selections.

To create a static resource group

  1. Point to Setup and in the list, click Resource Groups. The Resource Group List page opens.
  2. Click Create Static Group. The Create Resource Group page opens with the General tab active.
  3. Enter this information.

    FieldDescriptionValid Values
    NameLabel or title for this resource group.--
    SharingRights to access and view the resource group. 
    • Private
    • Shared
  4. Click Next or click the Regions tab. The Regions tab opens.
  5. Select the check box for one or more regions whose resources you want to include in this group.
  6. Click Next or click the Resources tab. The Resources tab opens.
  7. Select the check box for one or more resources you want to include in this group. As appropriate, use the available filters (Selected/Not SelectedRegionsResource TypesStandard Resource TypesStateCountyResource Name, or Address) to limit results in the list of resources.
  8. At the bottom of the page, click Save. The new resource group appears in the list.

To create a dynamic resource group

  1. Point to Setup and in the list, click Resource Groups. The Dashboard List page opens.
  2. Click Create Dynamic Group. The Create Dynamic Resource Group page opens with the General tab active.
  3. Enter this information.

    FieldDescriptionValid Values
    NameLabel or title for this resource group.--
    SharingRights to access and view the resource group.
    • Private
    • Shared
  4. Click Next or click the Regions tab. The Regions tab opens.
  5. Select one of these options:
    1. Create a group that includes resources for whichever region you are logged in to. Resources in this group will change accordingly. With this option, only Standard Resource Types can be selected because Resource Types vary by region.
    2. Select one or more regions whose resources you want to include in this group.
      : If you select this option, you must also select the individual regions in the list that you want to include.
  6. Click Next or click the Standard Resource Types tab. The Standard Resource Types tab opens.
  7. As appropriate, select the check box for one or more standard resource types.
    Note: If you prefer to define the group by resource types, you do not need to select any standard resource types.
  8. Click Next or click the Resource Types tab. The Resource Types tab opens.
  9. Take one of these actions.

    On the Regions tab, if you selected...Then...
    Create a group that includes resources for whichever region you are logged in to. Resources in this group will change accordingly. With this option, only Standard Resource Types can be selected because Resource Types vary by region.No resource types will be available. Continue to the next step.
    Select one or more regions whose resources you want to include in this group.As appropriate, select the check box for one or more resource types. If you prefer to define the group by standard resource types, you may not want to and do not need to select any resource types.
  10. Click Next or click the States tab. The States tab opens.
  11. As appropriate, select the check box for one or more states to limit resources accordingly.
  12. Click Next or click the Counties tab. The Counties tab opens.
  13. As appropriate, select the check box for one or more counties to limit resources accordingly.
  14. Click Next or click the Preview tab. The Preview tab opens. All resources that meet the criteria you specified on the preceding tabs is presented for review. Resources are listed in alphabetic order by name; however, you can reorder them by clicking any column header.
  15. As appropriate, at the bottom of the page, click Save or click any preceding tab to review and revise selections on that tab.

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