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Home > EMResource > Guide - EMResource Getting Started > EMResource Notifications


EMResource provides a number of options for automatic communication regarding events that affect your resources, changes in resource statuses, system information, and forms (questionnaires) that need to be completed. For many of these, you can specify in your Preferences how you are to be notified.

Read the sections in this topic to learn about contact options you can set up for many notifications and the types of notifications, including event, resource status change, system, and form.

In addition, depending on the type of notification, event setup, and your preferences, notifications can appear as follows:

  • Within the application window in the Notifications pop-up window.

  • In the event banner.

Keep in mind that your administrator can also change your settings.

Contact Options

For your notification preferences for events, resource status changes, and system-related notifications, direct contact options are email and text pager. The text pager option includes any text-enabled device.

Notification via Web Page (that is, the EMResource application) is also an option for some types of notifications. If you choose this option, the notification is delivered directly to your EMResource page.

This type of notification is accompanied by a sound prompt, which continues to sound at a regular interval until you acknowledge the notification.

sends event, status change, and system notifications that are managed through the Preferences menu. You decide when and how notifications are sent according to the type of event, resource, notification, event setup, and your personal notification preferences.

For example, a person responsible for certain types of chemical events might choose to be notified by email, text, pager, or web page for events that involve the resources with which they are associated.

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If your organization subscribes to Event Notifications by Phone, a premium add-on, you can also choose to receive voice notifications for events. To receive a call when events are started, updated, or ended, you must have at least one valid phone number specified on your user profile.

It is important to update your notification details and preferences regularly to make sure you receive the information you need about events, status changes, system issues, and forms that need to be completed.

Keep in mind, your administrator can change your notification settings as well. Check to make sure your phone, email, text, and pager details are correct in your User Information area and review your eventstatus change, and system notification preferences.

Notification Methods

You choose the notification methods through which you want to receive notifications.

Notifications sent by email, text, and

Following is an example of the notification methods available to this user for the listed event types.

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This user has opted to be notified via email and Web page for all Chemical Response notifications. For Communicable Disease events, the user has chosen all contact options: email, text pager, and Web page.

Event notifications sent via email and text pager contain high-level details, such as the name of the event, the name of the individual who created or edited the event, and the affected region. When an address is required for an event, that information appears is also included in the notification as well. To make event access even easier, the email notification also includes . Notifications also include a link to open the event details in EMResource. The user can click this link to open the Log In page .

Note: To ensure you receive the notifications you expect, make certain your phone, email, and text pager are correct


your User Information. In addition, review your event, status change, and system notification preferences.



provides several automated notification options and preferences



Events can include unplanned incidents, such as Amber Alerts, mass casualty incidents, severe weather, or other immediate or emergent situations or crises. Automated notifications are sent upon creation of events. Notifications may also be sent when an event is ended and when changes are made to an:

  • Active event, such as adding resources.

  • Active multi-region event, such as adding or removing participating regions.

Events can also be planned, such as a sporting event, training session, drill, or exercise, or designed for information gathering, such as bed capacity and availability counts.

You can specify your preferred notification methods based on event type (template). In addition, you can indicate whether you want to be notified of ad hoc events that are created in your region.

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For some types of events you can also set a limit on notifications. If the event supports this feature, the My Resources Only check box appears in the Notification Limit column.

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If you select this check box for an event type, the system sends you notifications only when one or more of your resources are involved in the event.

Contact options: email, text pager, Web (EMResource application)

You are encouraged to specify your event notification preferences.

Status Changes

You can also elect to be notified when your resources' statuses change. Examples of resource status changes include: an ED posted limited availability due to overcrowding; a generator is not available due to maintenance; and an EMS agency indicates the availability of their vehicles. You can specify your preferred notification methods by resource.

Contact options: email, text pager, Web (EMResource application)

You are encouraged to specify your status change notification preferences.


The system notification preferences page provides a consolidated view of your system-related notification options.

You are encouraged to specify your system-related notification preferences.



Contact Options

Expired Status Notifications

Reminder that a resource status needs to be updated.

Email, Text pager

Receive notifications for successful HHS HAvBED transmissions

Receive notifications for failed HHS HAvBED transmissions

Note: Only HAvBED administrators will see and be able to manage transmission options.

HAvBED data transmission was successful or failed

Email, Text pager, Web

ICS Notifications

Incident has been started in the Electronic Incident Command System (eICS) at one of your resources.

Incident has been ended in eICS.

Email, Text pager, Web

System Notifications

Example icon: Image Removed

System-related information, such as the period of time the system will be unavailable due to maintenance.

Email, Text pager, Web

Voice Notifications

Event Notifications by Phone is an add-on that can be turned on by your Client Success Manager (CSM). To receive phone notifications, you must have at least one valid phone number entered on your user profile, in the Notifications section.

Phone notifications are enabled based on the event type or event template. You can manage your phone notifications by pointing to Preferences and clicking Event Notifications. You can manage phone notifications for other users by pointing to Events, clicking Event Setup, and then, on a template row, clicking Notifications.

Notifications through the web page are only available for some types of events. This type of notification is delivered within the EMResource solution, through the Notifications window or the event banner, and it is accompanied by an audible alert that continues to sound until you acknowledge the notification.

Web Page


EMResource also sends automated form notifications. The methods for delivery are set up by the administrator at the time the form is configured. If you are allowed to complete forms, you will be notified via the methods set up in the form. In addition, if you have a pending form, an icon Image Removed appears in the page title bar as a reminder. Click it to view all of your pending forms.

Note: Your region's icons may differ from those presented in this section. Your administrator chooses the icon to associate with many types of notifications.

Incoming Patient

Your region may be set up to receive automated incoming patient notifications from EMTrack®. If so, and you have the appropriate permissions, these notifications appear to you in the pop-up Notifications window. Refer also to Incoming Patient Notifications.



When you are logged in to the


solution (or the next time you log in), the Notifications window may open to alert you to an event, resource status change, or form that needs your attention.

If your organization has opted to enable sound, the system solution issues an audible sound after the pop-up window opens. The sound can may differ based on the type of notification.

You can acknowledge the receipt of your notifications (click click Acknowledge All Notifications) or click click snooze. If you do the latter, the system reminds you of this event, form, or situation when you perform a task in the application solution or switch to another page. These reminders continue until you acknowledge receipt.



In your browser, make sure to allow pop-


up windows for EMResource; otherwise,

your browser might block pop-up

you may not see windows that are essential


for certain tasks.


By default,


web page notifications are enabled

(turned on)

for all event types

of events

. To view and change

any of



event notification options,


see Preferences.

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Status Changes

When a resource status changes

for your resource

, you may

be notified via a pop-up window

receive a web page notification.

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For example, you may choose to receive notifications when your resource's ED status changes

to Closed or

to Closed or Resource Limitations. If you chose Web Page as one of your notification methods, the change in status triggers

a pop-up

the Notification window in EMResource.


Form notifications can also appear in

a pop-up window

the web page. For example, if you have been assigned to complete a form

to complete, a pop-up informs you that the form is waiting for your attention

, when you log in to EMResource the Notification window opens to let you know about the form.

If you are authorized to activate forms, you may

encounter situations where you need

want to know that a


form has been viewed by

the specified

its intended recipients. For example, a dispatcher activates a patient form, fills in the

patient's transport and critical medical detail

medical and transport details, and sends it to the appropriate facility

for review

. The dispatcher

needs the receiving hospital to confirm receipt of

wants to know that the facility received, reviewed, and acknowledged the form.

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When a recipient acknowledges a form, the system records the date and time and


sends this information


as a read receipt to the


person who activated and completed the form.

The same sound alerts this individual of

An audible alert notifies the person that the read receipt



Incoming Patients

Incoming patient notifications can also appear in

a pop-up window

the web page. For example, if someone


is using EMTrack to send a patient to your facility


, they send an incoming patient notification. If you have the right to receive these notifications,

a pop-up informs you that the notification is waiting for your attention.

the Notifications window opens to provide information about the patient.

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If your organization

has opted to enable sound

enabled sound on notifications, the


solution issues an audible


alert with incoming patient notifications.

Notifications that you or others at your facility have acknowledged are available from

the Form

the Form menu for 24 hours after acknowledgement.

Event Banner

Most event

Event notifications also appear in


the event banner


 at the top of the


web page. The banner


is located just under the title bar, and it can display multiple events.

The following example shows mass casualty incident (MCI) and Amber Alert events, as well as a regional announcement:

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When you click an

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When the user clicks the event in the banner, it expands to show additional details , such as who created the event and the date and time it was created. When an address is required for the event, that information appears in these details as well.


If you are an administrator, you can change your users' user notification settings. For example, when you set up creating a new event type, you can automatically designate the users identify who will receive notifications for an event of this type of event. Depending on the your level of access within a the region, you can set the following:

Users However, users can also change these settings at any time via through their preferences.

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