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Home > EMResource > Guide - Events > Create an Event


When With appropriate rights, you create an event, you choose an event template that helps you define details for that specific type of event. The list of templates shows the icon that will be associated with the event, the name of the template, the event type, and the template descriptioncan create events. This process uses templates to help you define and enter event details. There is an icon associated with each event template, which is displayed when you select it and appears thereafter in association with the event.

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You may be granted also have the right to create and maintain ad hoc events. These are generally emergencies for which your region does not have an appropriate template set up.If you have the appropriate rights and access to multiple regions, you may be able to create a multi-region event. This topic covers how to:

  • Create an event (single region).

  • Create a multi-region event.

  • Create an ad hoc event.

Note: When


Note: Prior to creating an ad hoc event,

make certain that

you should create

or have ready

the appropriate status types

you need. In addition, make certain they are associated

and associate them with the resource types

you intend to include in the incident.

for the event.

After creating an event, if When you are done creating the event, open the Map view. If you specified an address, you can open the Map view to see the event icon appears in the map, showing the location of the event you just createdat the specified location. Click the icon to view the event details. In the Map view, you can Alternatively, select the event in the Event Resources field ; when you do, the map shows only those to limit the view to only resources associated with the that event.

Keep the following in mind about event creation:

  • The Title and Information fields may contain default text that provides a general generic description of this the event type of event. You can retain or change this informationuse the default text or edit to replace it.
  • The default Event End is By default, events end 24 hours from the date and time you create the eventthem.
  • By default, the Display in Event Banner check box is selected, indicating and the system event will display appear in the event banner toward at the top of the EMResource page. In rare instances, you may decide that you view pages. If you do not want the system to display event displayed in the banner for this event. In this case, clear the Display in Event Banner check box.
  • For certain types of events, especially those created to coordinate and track emergency response, certain address details (City, State, and County)  may may be required. If they are, two asterisks (**) appear next to the field label.
  • In specifying a location, you can enter minimal details (such as city and state) and then look up the address. In the map, click the location icon and drag it to the appropriate spot in the map.

To create an event

  1. From any page, open Point to the Event menu and, in the list, click Event Management. The Event Management page opens.

  2. Click Create New Event. The Select Event Template page opens.

  3. Locate the template you want to use for this event and, on that row, and click Createin the first column. The Create New Event page opens.

  4. Enter this information in the appropriate fields:.




    Name of this the event (required).


    Additional details about the event (required)the event.

    Event End

    Date and time the event is scheduled to end automatically. Alternatively, the event can be open-ended with no specified end date and time.

  5. To enter more event details, click Show more settings. Additional fields appear.

  6. Enter the requested information.



    Street Address

    Number and name of the street at which the event is located.


    Name of the city in which the event is located.


    Abbreviation for the state in which the event is located.

    Zip Code

    United States Postal ZIP Code in which the event is located.


    State county or parish in which the event is located.


    Geographic coordinates where the event is located. To obtain the exact Latitude and Longitude, click Look up Address.

    Event Start

    Start date and time for the event; the default is Immediately. You However, you can set a start date in the future (such as for example, for exercises and training sessions) (required).

    Event End

    Interval at which the event will end automatically, the date/time the event is scheduled to end, or open-ended (not specified end) (required).

    To attach a file click Browse or Choose File. The browse window opens.
    Tip: You can attach


    Attached File

    Attaching a file to the event

    , which is then

    makes it available to

    any user


    with the event. You can upload the

    users. The following file types can be attached: PDF (.pdf), text (.txt), and web page (.html).

    1. Click Choose File. Your browser explore window opens.
    2. Locate and
    1. click the file.
    2. Click Open
    . The window closes
    1. . The Create



    1. Event page shows the path and filename for the attachment.

    As appropriate, complete the appropriate fields:

    Display in event banner on view pages to announce the event (when selected) for which no resources have been identifiedDisplay to a user only those the user is associated (when selected)Specifies this is (when selected)End (when selected)

    Display in Event Banner?

    When selected, the event will appear in the event banner at the top of every page. This option must be selected for events

    that do not have resources.


    When selected, the user only sees information for

    resources with which

    they are associated.


    When selected, identifies the event as a drill


    End Quietly?

    When selected, allows you to end the event without sending notifications to participants and other interested parties


    Select the appropriate re-notification option:

    System does not automatically send . This is the default setting Starting


    Indicates whether




    follow-up notifications

    are sent and if so, what time or how frequently they are sent.

    • Disabled. No additional notifications will not be sent automatically.
    • Every n hours
    • , starting (date) at (time)

    System sends follow-up notifications at the interval you select (such as 1 hour, 10.5 hours) beginning at the date and time you specify.

    at specified times

    System sends follow-up notifications at the times you specify.

    Click the add button to add more times to the list.

    Clear a time's check box to disable it.

  7. Specify all or part of the address for the event, including the Street AddressCityStateZip Code, and/or County.

  8. For a more detailed description of the location, click View Map.

  9. To obtain the exact Latitude and Longitude of the address information you entered, click Lookup Address.

  10. If appropriate, click and drag the icon on the map to the location you want.

    • . At the specified interval, on the specified date and time, additional notifications will be sent automatically.
    • At specified times. At the specified times, additional notifications will be sent automatically.
  11. In the Resources to Participate in This Event area, select the check box for resources you want to include in this event. The event icon appears next to selected resources in Views.

    Note: All resources associated with the event template are displayed. Selected resources are requested to update their event status types, in addition to their daily status types. Selected resources do

    Click Save or specify resources for this event.

    By default, the Create New Event page shows every resource associated with the specific event template (if any). You can select resources that are to participate in this event (that is, those that are to report additional event status types).

    Selecting a resource indicates the resource will be asked to update event status types in addition to their specified daily status types. Furthermore, the event's icon displays next to the resource's name in Views. Selecting a resource here does not indicate who will receive notifications regarding this the event. Refer to to Set Up Template Notifications  for for more information.

  12. Tip: Use the search feature in the Resources to Participate in This Event section to narrow the results that appear in the page and make it easier to identify the resources to be involved.

    To indicate individual resources, select the check box in the first column for each resource. To include all resources in your current list, select the check box in the header (next to the Resource Name column header). When you are done searching for and selecting resources, click 

    Click Save.





To create

a multi-region event

an ad hoc event

  1. Point to From any page, open the Event menu and, in the list, click Event Management. The Event Management page opens.
  2. Click Create New Multi-Region Ad Hoc Event. The Create Multi-Region Ad Hoc Event page opens.
  3. Enter information in the appropriate fields:




    Title of this event (required).


    Additional details about the event (required).

    Event Start

    Start date and time for the event; the default is Immediately.

    You can set a start date in the future (such as for exercises and training sessions) (required).

    Event End

    Interval at which the event will end automatically, the date/time the event is scheduled to end, or open-ended (not specified end) (required).

  4. To attach a file click Browse or Choose File. The browse window opens.
    Tip: You can attach a file to the event, which is then available to any user associated with the event. You can upload the following file types: PDF (.pdf), text (.txt), and web page (.html).
  5. Locate and select the file.
  6. Click Open. The window closes. The Create New Event page shows the path and filename for the attachment.

  7. Complete the appropriate fields:



    Display in Event Banner?

    Display in event banner on view pages to announce the event (when selected). This option must be selected for events for which no resources have been identified.


    Display to a user information for only those resources with which the user is associated (when selected).


    Specifies this is a drill (when selected).

    End Quietly?

    End event without sending notifications to participants and other interested parties (when selected).

  8. Select the appropriate re-notification option:




    System does not automatically send follow-up notifications. This is the default setting.

    Every n hours Starting (date) at (time)

    System sends follow-up notifications at the interval you select (such as 1 hour, 10.5 hours) beginning at the date and time you specify.

    at specified times

    System sends follow-up notifications at the times you specify.

    Click the add button to add more times to the list.

    Clear a time's check box to disable it.

  9. Specify all or part of the address for the event, including the Street AddressCityStateZip Code, and/or County.

  10. For a more detailed description of the location, click View Map.

  11. To obtain the exact Latitude and Longitude of the address information you entered, click Lookup Address.

  12. If the event should include all resources from participating regions, select Include all resources. Otherwise, clear it.

  13. For each region participating in the event, select the appropriate template.

  14. Click Next. The confirmation page opens, or a page opens for every region you selected.

  15. In each region page, select specific resources and click Next. The confirmation page opens.
    Tip: Use the search feature in the Resources to Participate in This Event section to narrow the results that appear in the page and make it easier to identify the resources to be involved.

  16. Review all information and, if you want to proceed, click Yes.
  17. the requested information (see the procedure Create an Event above for field descriptions).
  18. Click Next. The Select Resources page opens.
  19. Locate and select the check box for resources you want to include in this event. The event icon will appear next to selected resources in Views.

    Note: All resources associated with the event template are displayed. The resources you select will receive a request to update their event status types (in addition to their daily status types); however, selected resources will not necessarily receive event notifications regarding the event. Refer to Set Up Template Notifications for more information.

  20. Click Next. The Select Status Types page opens.
  21. Locate and select the check box for status types (associated with the selected resources) that you want to monitor.
  22. Click Next. The Ad Hoc Event Confirmation page opens.
  23. Review the information you entered and when you are ready to create the event, click Yes.

To create a multi-region event

Note: Creating a multi-region event may take

over a minute

several minutes to complete.


To create an ad hoc event
  1. From any page, open Point to the Event menu and, in the list, click Event Management. The Event Management page opens.

  2. Click Create Ad Hoc New Multi-Region Event. The Create Ad Hoc Multi-Region Event page opens.

  3. Enter information in the appropriate fields:



    Title for this ad hoc event

    Title of this event (required).

    Information for this ad hoc event

    Additional details about the event (required).

    Event Start

    Start date and time for the event; the default is Immediately.

    You can set a start date in the future (such as for exercises and training sessions) (required).

    Event End

    Interval at which the event will end automatically, the date/time the event is scheduled to end, or open-ended (not specified end) (required).

  4. To attach a file click Browse or Choose File. The browse window opens.
    Tip: You can attach a file to the event, which is then available to any user associated with the event. You can upload the following file types: PDF (.pdf), text (.txt), and web page (.html).
  5. Locate and select the file.

  6. Click Open. The window closes. The Create New Event page shows the path and filename for the attachment.

  7. As appropriate, complete the appropriate fields:



    Display in Event Banner?

    Display in event banner on view pages to announce the event (when selected). This option must be selected for events for which no resources have been identified.


    Display to a user information for only those resources with which the user is associated (when selected).


    Specifies this is a drill (when selected).

    End Quietly?

    End event without sending notifications to participants and other interested parties (when selected).

    Select the appropriate re-notification option:




    System does not automatically send follow-up notifications. This is the default setting.

    Every n hours Starting (date) at (time)

    System sends follow-up notifications at the interval you select (such as 1 hour, 10.5 hours) beginning at the date and time you specify.

    at specified times

    System sends follow-up notifications at the times you specify.

    Click the add button to add more times to the list.

    Clear a time's check box to disable it.

  8. the requested information (see the procedure Create an Event above for field descriptions).
  9. Click Next. The Select Resources page opens.
  10. In the Resources to Participate in This Event area, take one of these actions.

    If you want to...


    Include all resources from all participating regions,

    Select the Include all resources check box.

    Only include some resources from certain regions,

    1. Clear the Include all resources check box and for each region, select the appropriate template.
    2. Click Next. A page opens for every region you selected.
    3. On each region page, select specific resources and click Next. The confirmation page opens.

    Tip: Use the filter and search options to reduce the number of resources

  11. For a more detailed description of the location, click View Map.Specify all or part of the address for the event, including the Street AddressCityStateZip Code, and/or County.

  12. To obtain the exact Latitude and Longitude of the address information you entered, click Lookup Address.

  13. If appropriate, click and drag the icon on the map to the location you want.

  14. Click Next.

    The Select Resources page shows every resource that you are authorized to include as participants in this event (that is, those that are to report additional event status types).

    Selecting a resource indicates the resource will be asked to update event status types in addition to their specified daily status types. Furthermore, the event's icon displays next to the resource's name in Views. Selecting a resource means that those associated with the resource who have signed up to receive ad hoc event notifications are notified of the event.

    Tip: Use the search feature in the Resources to Participate in This Event section to narrow the results that appear in the page

    and make it easier to identify the appropriate resources

    to be involved.
  15. To indicate individual resources, select the check box in the first column for each resource. To include all resources in your current list, select the check box in the Resource column header. When you are done searching for and selecting resources, click Next. The Select Status Types page shows the relevant status types for the resources you selected in the previous page.

  16. To indicate individual types, select the check box in the first column for each status type. To include all status types in your current list, select the check box in the Status Type column header. When you are done, click Next. The Ad Hoc Event Confirmation page opens, showing high-level details.

  17. .

  18. Click Next. The Select Status Types page opens.
  19. Locate and select the check box for status types (associated with the selected resources) that you want to monitor.
  20. Click Next. The Multi-Region Event Confirmation page opens.
  21. Review the information you entered and when you are ready to create the event, click YesFrom here, you can use the Previous button to return to setup pages to make changes, or click Yes to confirm creation of the ad hoc event.
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