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Home > eICS > Guide - Contacts > Contact Elements


Information about the contacts available in your eICS solution is available through Planning > Contacts. Selecting a contact on the left opens that person's account details on the right, which are presented in a series of drawers. Administrators can create and modify contacts that belong to the domains and/or facilities they manage.

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There are five drawers or tabs that can be expanded or collapsed to view information on the profile. These drawers include General Info / Email / PhoneAddressICS Positions, Account Information/Log In, and Notes, which organize the profile information accordingly.

General Info / Email / Phone

The user's main profile information is contained in this drawer, and according to permissions, you can view, update, add, and/or remove information as needed. 




Contact's full name, entered individually as first,


and last names.


Organization for whom the contact works or represents.


Department or division within the organization to which the contact is assigned.


Contact's job or position title at

the organization.

Resource Type

Type of resource and role the contact is assigned in eICS. Resource types help you classify contacts and deploy them appropriately during an emergency. Also, the contact can specify the resource type in their own profile.

Contacts are identified as either Internal or External depending on if they work for the organization that administers the eICS solution or as a contractor, volunteer, or other external position that is aligned with




The second list identifies the contact's main role, skills, or expertise.

Note: External resources do not have an eICS account or username. Assign the External Contact role if the contact is going to be in your labor pool, needs to be notified of an incident even when not participating, or otherwise does not need direct access to eICS.

Phone and Notification Order

Lists the contact's phone numbers, phone number types, and the corresponding incident-related notification preferences for those numbers. Notification options include, for example, Notify first, Notify second, and Do not notify.


      • Only administrators can see contact phone numbers. If you are not an administrator, the phone number appears as a series of asterisks that indicate the number is there, but not visible.
      • Phone numbers must be
10 numeric characters in length; the system also supports identifying
      • valid and complete; and a 1 - 6 character extension is allowed. For example, +1-404-555-1234 X123456.

Lists the contact's mobile number for text messaging. The status next to a number indicates if consent has been received to send text messages. Point to the status for more information.

Note: Phone numbers must be valid and complete; a 1 - 6


characters extension is allowed. For example,



5555 121212

1234 X123456.


Lists addresses and details for Email, Pager, Radio

, Direct Connect

, FaxIM, Website, and Other contact options.

Note: Email and other address options must comply with standard formatting. For example,

Registered Mobile Devices

Lists mobile devices registered to the contact's eICS account. Devices are automatically registered when the contact downloads and accesses the eICS mobile application through the device. Details provided include the name and type of device, the date it was registered, whether the contact opted to allow push notifications on the device (Subscribed), and whether the contact wants to receive notifications from eICS on the device (Notify).

Note: The Subscribed column must show "Yes" and the Notify check box must be selected in order to receive push notifications from eICS on the device. 

Remove from <eICS solution name>

Allows you to remove and deactivate

contact's in your eICS solution

contacts in your eICS solution. The contact will no longer have access to their eICS account. 


Allows you to view, add, edit, and/or remove addresses on the contact's profile. For each address, indicate its type, such as home or business.

ICS Positions

Allows you to view, add, and/or remove the contact's assigned ICS Positions.

Choosing to add/remove positions opens the Select Contact Depth Chart, which lists positions associated with the current plan. Selecting positions (for example, Incident Commander or Liaison Officer) or groups (such as Labor Pool or Other Contacts to Notify) adds the contact to the Depth Chart for that position or group in the ICS Chart on the Plan Summary. Positions in the ICS Chart are then made active or not for each incident response guide.

At the start of an incident, all contacts in the Depth Chart are notified and, pending response with availability, one of these contacts can then be selected to fill the position. eICS automatically notifies the selected contact about the assignment, and the assignment appears in the appropriate parts of the Incident Dashboard (such as the ICS Chart tab).

Account Information / Log In

Detailed information about the contact's eICS account. Only active contacts that have an enabled user account have access to the eICS solution. Once

a username has been assigned, it cannot be edited. However, for contacts' with


username and

login email is assigned,

you can activate or deactivate the account and specify facility access

the user can access eICS. You can


change the


login email

, which is the address eICS uses when sending a welcome message or informing the contact their password has changed.

if necessary, as well as activate or deactivate the account and specify facility access. 

Note: Authorized application users cannot assign a deactivated contact to an ICS position or deploy the contact to an incident. In addition, a deactivated contact does not have access to the eICS application.

Click the help icon Image Modified next to a field to view a brief description of related functionality.



Contact is active

Indicates the contact is actively involved with the organization and ongoing eICS actions.

Note: Clear the Contact is active check box if you want to deactivate the contact's account.

Enable user account

Indicates the contact should have access to the eICS solution and sends a welcome message to their login email, inviting them to access their account. 


If you enable the user account, you must

specify at least one email address and one phone number (in the General Info / Email / Phone drawer) for the contact.
  • You must enable the account for any contact to whom you assign the Facility Administrator role.
  • Username

    provide a login email address.


    The contact's log in name used to access their eICS account. Inactive and external contacts do not have a username and are not able to access eICS. 


    The contact's username must be unique. If the application indicates the username is already in use, but you did not see the name in eICS, then it may be in use in a companion application. In this case, you may be able to import the contact record.

    This field will be decommissioned soon. Please create a login email and use that for logging in to

    access your Note

    the solution.

    Primary Email

    Email address to which eICS used to send account-related emails.

    This field will be decommissioned soon. Please create a

    Login Email

    login email and use that for


    logging in to the solution.

    Login Email

    Email address used to access the solution, receive the welcome message, and receive password reset instructions.

    Note: To access eICS, you must have a login email that is unique to your account. Also, you must have access to the email for password reset assistance.

    Display Domain Contact Information

    Opens the Contact Us window with support contact information for technical and non-technical assistance.

    Facility Access

    Indicates facilities contact is associated with and their corresponding access level to those facilities.


    Allows you to view and add notes associated with the contact's profile. The maximum allowable number of characters for this field

    is 8

    is 8,000.

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