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Home > EMSupply EMTrack > EMSupply EMTrack Dashboard > Dashboard Elements


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This topic provides an overview of dashboard elements and how they fit together. It starts at the end result, which is the dashboard, and takes you back through the processes of configuring gadgets and creating filters.


A dashboard is comprised of groupings of data, each of which is a gadget. The following example shows a dashboard with four gadgets.

In addition, refer to Dashboards for details on default boards, incident mode, and sharing.


There are five types of gadgets to choose from. Each type is designed to communicate specific information, as listed in the following table:



Incidents - Region

Shows all active incidents in the region. There are no configuration options for this type of gadget.

Incidents - Division

Shows all active incidents related to the division (provider facility or mobile provider) you select.

Client List

Shows a list of clients that match the criteria in the search filter you select for the gadget.

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Client Summary

Shows a summary of clients that match the criteria in the search filter you select for the gadget. For this type, you also select how to group the data, how to sort it, and what format it should appear in.

Regional Client Summary

Shows a list of active clients in the region organized by triage category and the search filter you select for the gadget. For this type, you also select how to group the data.

For more details on:

  • Customizing a dashboard and gadget placeholders, refer to Dashboards.
  • Configuring each of these gadget types, refer to Element: Gadget.


EMTrack's powerful search features allow you to find and display information that accommodates diverse roles—from incident commanders to hospital users to EMS administrators.

In addition to performing one-time searches, you can also save a search as a reusable filter. Filters are the building blocks for creating client-related gadgets in your dashboards. Depending on the goal of the filter, you may also specify data options to define how the information is presented.

There are two aspects of filter creation to keep in mind: search criteria and client details.

Search Criteria

Develop the search criteria to find the client records you want. For the client list and client summary gadgets used in the examples above, an "OR" search was configured.

The search results include all clients who are currently at this facility -OR- en route to it. Click Search to see your results. By default, the Age, Gender, Provider Evaluation , and Tracking Summary columns are included in the results.

Client Details

You are going to use this filter in a client list gadget and you want it to show additional details. These details are not search criteria. Rather, they are data that you want to see for this set of clients. So, for all clients currently at or en route to the facility, you want to include each client's estimated time of arrival and the incident the client is involved in. You add the ETA and In Incident columns to your filter.

Your results now include those columns.

To be used in a client list gadget, a filter must have at least one column defined. Column selection does not affect the client summary gadget.

You have the results and details you want, so you name and save the filter.

For more details, refer to:

  • Element: Filter - filters and columns
  • Elements: Search Criteria

Put It All Together

Now, you can use this filter in a client list or a client summary gadget.

When you build your own dashboards or, as a regional administrator, you build dashboards for other users, keep in mind the information each role needs to see.

As incident commander, I want to see all clients involved in this incident and their exact locations, as well as related details.

As an EMS agency administrator, I want to see all my units currently engaged in transporting patients, as well as the incidents that affect my division.

As a hospital user, I want to see all clients at my facility, as well as the incidents that affect my facility.