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Home > EMSupply > EMSupply Resource Requests > EMSupply > EMSupply Resource Requests > Accept or Reject a Resource Request


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When a region or location is running low or missing important supplies, they can create a resource request that identifies the supplies and asks other regions or locations to respond with availability.

Initially, responding to a request entails either confirming or rejecting it. If you have the supplies and are able to assist, you can confirm the request and proceed to gather the supplies from your inventory and ship them to the region or location that is requesting them. If you are unable to assist, you can reject the request to notify the region or location that is requesting them so they can seek assistance elsewhere.


  • After creating a request, while the status is still New, the person who created it can make changes by clicking the Edit icon on the Resource Requests page for that request.
  • Items that are picked to fulfill a resource request are only deducted from your inventory when the request status is changed to QC.
  • Completed and rejected resource requests are visible on the Resource Request tab for 24 hours. To view older requests, click the Request History tab or export the list.

To accept a resource request

  1. On the Requests and Shipments tab, click Resource Requests.

  2. Locate the request and, on that row, click Confirm. The Confirm Resource Request window opens.

  3. In the Status list, click the status you want to assign to this request. 
  4. In the Select Location list, click the location of the inventory you want to view.
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    Note: The Available quantity of an item changes based on the selected location.
  5. Click the name of an item to identify expand its details, including the quantity available and reserved quantities at that each sub location.
  6. In the Pick Quantity column, for the sub location from which you want to obtain the item, click to increase or decrease the quantity.
  7. Below, click Approve.
  8. Repeat these steps to select and approve the quantity available for each item in the request.
  9. When all request items have been addressed, on the upper right, click Confirm. The Resource Requests page opens, and the request status is Confirmed – Approved for Picking.
  10. Click Pick. The Change Status window opens.
  11. Click Save. The Resource Requests page opens, and the request status is In Picking.
  12. To print a pick slip, in the Actions column, click the Edit icon. Click Print, and in the list click Pick Slips. Your pick slip displays for printing.
  13. After you have picked the items, expand the approved items list and for each item, in the Pick quantity box, enter the actual number of items picked. Click Approve.
  14. On the upper right, click Save.
  15. Click QC. The Change Status window opens.
  16. Click Save. The Resource Requests page opens, and the request status is In QC.
  17. To print the packing list and pallet labels, in the Actions column, click the Edit icon. Click Print, and in the list click Packing Lists and Pallet Labels. Your lists and labels display for printing.
  18. Click Save. The Resource Requests page opens, and the status is In QC.
  19. Click Ship. The Change Status window opens.
  20. Click Save. The Resource Requests page opens, and the request status is Ready for Shipping.

    Note: At this point, the inventory quantity is reduced by the amount picked to be shipped.

  21. Click Load. The Change Status window opens.
  22. Click Save. The Resource Requests page opens, and the request status is Loading for Transportation.
  23. Click Transport. The Change Status window opens.
  24. To automatically create the Incoming Shipment notice at the destination location, select the Create Incoming Shipment check box.
  25. Click Save. The Resource Requests page opens, and the request status is Transporting.
  26. When the inventory arrives at the destination location, click Complete. The Change Status window opens.
  27. Click Save. The Resource Requests page opens, and the request status is Complete.

To reject a resource request

  1. On the Requests and Shipments tab, click Resource Requests.
  2. Locate the request and on that row, click Reject. The Change Status window opens.
  3. Click Save. The Resource Requests page opens, and the request status is Rejected.